Abnormal Psychology Exam

Abnormal psych exam. Due wed April 17th  

Directions: Use the same scantron you recorded your personality exam answers on.  Start on the green side at number 20 and end on the

green side at number 49. 

Chapter 13 Exam

Abnormal Psychology

  1. Abnormal behavior involves patterns of acting, thinking or feeling that
  1. Seem odd  or disturbing to a majority of the people observing the behavior
  2. Are harmful in some way to the individual
  3. Is statistically atypical and not shared by the majority of the population

       4. All of the above are considered a component of abnormal behavior

  1. Technically speaking the term “insanity” is really a _________term?
  1. Psychological
  2. Physiological
  3. Legal
  4. Academic
  1. Which phobia causes the greatest impairment , including intense fear of leaving one’s home or other familiar places?
  1. Specific phobia
  2. Arachnophobia
  3. Agoraphobia
  4. Claustrophobia
  1. Which of the following is classified as an anxiety disorder?
  1. PTSD
  2. Conversion
  3. MPD
  4. Fuge
  1. Axis 2 of the DSMIV includes
  1. Stress related disorders
  2. All the major disorders such as schizophrenia and anxiety disorders
  3. Somatoform disorders
  4. Personality disorders
  1. Anxiety provoking thoughts that will not go away unless they are acted on are known as
  1. Compulsions
  2. Obsessions
  3. Cognitions
  4. Panic attacks
  1. A young boy and his father survived a tornado in which his mother was killed.  The stress experienced by the boy manifested in total loss of identity. The boy completely detached from reality and suffers from the following dissociative disorder.
  1. MPD
  2. Fugue
  3. Amnesia
  4. PTSD
  1. In which of the following somatoform disorder do individuals experience symptoms such as hysterical blindness, deafness and or paralysis in the absence of any physical cause?
  1. Hypochondriasis disorder
  2. Conversion disorder
  3. Pain disorder
  4. MPD
  1. In terms of mood disorders the opposite of major depression is
  1. Anti-depression
  2. Anxiety
  3. Mania
  4. Bipolar
  1.  As a young male Mike has an unrealistic sense of self-importance, is preoccupied with fantasies of future success and craves constant attention and praise.  Mike most likely showing symptoms for the ___________________personality disorder
  1. Schizotypal
  2. Histrionic
  3. Antisocial
  4. Narcissistic
  1. Harold almost always feels tense and uneasy. He has a continual fear that something terrible is going to happen to him and or his loved ones. Harold is most likely suffering from
  1. Schizophrenia
  2. Hypochondriasis
  3. GAD
  4. A specific phobia
  1. Beth can not control her thoughts of germs and cleans her hands up to 100 times a day. This pattern of abnormal behavior resembles the anxiety disorder called
  1. OCD
  2. GAD
  3. Bipolar disorder
  4. Depression disorder
  1. The behavioral perspective attributes the cause of abnormal behavior to
  1. Internal conflict from early childhood
  2. The result of neurochemical imbalances
  3. Poor self concept due to lack of positive regard as a child
  4. Reinforcement of maladaptive behaviors learned through experience

  1. The psychodynamic school attributes the cause of abnormal behavior to
  1. Internal conflict from early childhood
  2. The result of neurochemical imbalances
  3. Reinforcement of maladaptive behaviors learned through experience
  4. Irrational thought processes. 
  1. The cognitive school attributes the cause of abnormal behavior to
  1. Internal conflict from early childhood
  2. Poor self concept due to lack of positive regard as a child
  3. Reinforcement of maladaptive behaviors learned through experience
  4. Irrational thought processes. 
  1. The biological school attributes the cause of abnormal behavior to
  1. Internal conflict from early childhood
  2. The result of neurochemical imbalances
  3. Poor self concept due to lack of positive regard as a child
  4. Reinforcement of maladaptive behaviors learned through experience
  1. The humanistic perspective attributes the cause of abnormal behavior to
  1. The result of neurochemical imbalances
  2. Poor self concept due to lack of positive regard as a child
  3. Reinforcement of maladaptive behaviors learned through experience
  4. Irrational thought processes.
  1. Which of the following best characterizes a person experiencing Obsessive-compulsive disorder?
  1. Anna, who hyperventilates whenever she is on an elevator or even thinks about being on an elevator.
  2. Ben, who returns home seven times to see if he turned off the stove and is constantly late to work because of this.
  3. Mark, who keeps having flashbacks of the plane crash  he survived that killed the other members of his family 
  4. Miguel, who was found wandering about his home town in a daze, not sure of how he got there or who he is.
  1. Which of the following best characterizes a person experiencing a dissociative disorder?


  1. Ben, who returns home seven times to see if he turned off the stove and is constantly late to work because of this.
  2. Katia, who complains constantly about feeling sick and goes to many different doctors.
  3. Mark, who keeps having flashbacks of the plane crash  he survived that killed the other members of his family 
  4. Miguel, who was found wandering about his home town in a daze, not sure of how he got there or who he is.
  1.  Which of the following best characterizes a person experiencing  a  somatoform disorder?
  1. Anna, who hyperventilates whenever she is on an elevator or even thinks about being on an elevator.
  2. Ben, who returns home seven times to see if he turned off the stove and is constantly late to work because of this.
  3. Katia, who complains constantly about feeling sick and goes to many different doctors.

        4. Miguel, who was found wandering about his home town in a daze, not sure of how he got there or who he is.

  1. Which of the following best characterizes a person experiencing a specific phobia, an anxiety disorder?
  1. Anna, who hyperventilates whenever she is on an elevator or even thinks about being on an elevator.
  2. Ben, who returns home seven times to see if he turned off the stove and is constantly late to work because of this.
  3. Katia, who complains constantly about feeling sick and goes to many different doctors.
  4. Mark, who keeps having flashbacks of the plane crash  he survived that killed the other members of his family 
  1. Which of the following best characterizes a person experiencing PTSD, an anxiety disorder?
  1. Anna, who hyperventilates whenever she is on an elevator or even thinks about being on an elevator.
  2. Ben, who returns home seven times to see if he turned off the stove and is constantly late to work because of this.
  3. Katia, who complains constantly about feeling sick and goes to many different doctors.
  4. Mark, who keeps having flashbacks of the plane crash  he survived that killed the other members of his family 


  1. A common feature among people diagnosed with a dissociative identity disorder such as MPD is
  1. Early childhood sexual or physical abuse
  2. Repeated childhood illnesses
  3. A family history of mental illness
  4. Excess dopamine
  1.  Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by
  1. Unwarranted suspicions and mistrust of others
  2. Lack of interest in social relationships
  3. Grandiose sense of one’s own importance
  4. Instability revolving around problems of mood and thought processes


  1.  A delusion is a
  1. Phobia of being in social situations
  2. Misconception of auditory and visual stimuli
  3. Faulty and distorted thinking pattern
  4. Characteristic of people suffering from dependent personality disorder.
  1. A hallucination is a
  1. Phobia of being in social situations
  2. Misconception of auditory and visual stimuli
  3. Faulty and distorted thinking pattern
  4. Characteristic of people suffering from dependent personality disorder.
  1. Hallucinations and Delusions are common to all categories of
  1. Personality disorders
  2. Schizophrenic disorders
  3. Anxiety disorders
  4. Somatoform disorders
  1. The DSM-VI is most helpful for
  1. Identifying the causes of abnormal behavior
  2. Recommending treatment of psychological disorders
  3. Identifying and classifying psychological disorders
  4. Distinguishing between sanity and insanity
  1.  Which of the following is a negative symptom of a schizophrenia?
  1. Delusional thinking
  2. Incoherent speech
  3. Hyperexcitability
  4. Blunted affect





Mary is a 22 year old female who was recently diagnosed with Paranoid Personality disorder. 

How would a psychologist from each of the following perspectives define the cause of her disorder.

Scoial Cognitive



Be sure to include a description of the disorder and mention a psychologist associated with each field.

You must address all three perspectives.